Cracking the Sales Management Code: The Secrets to Measuring and Managing Sales Performance
- 作者: Jason Jordan,Michelle Vazzana
- 出版社/メーカー: McGraw-Hill Education
- 発売日: 2011/10/14
- メディア: Kindle版
- この商品を含むブログを見る
Key Takeaways
- Sales Activities : the Drivers of Sales Performance
- Sales Objectives : the Sales Force’s Mandates
- Business Results : the Company’s Health
Sales Activities -> Sales Objectives -> Business Results : AOR!
5 Sales Processes
For Sales rep - COAT!
- Call management - Planning and conducting individual customer interactions
- Opportunity Management - Strategically navigating a multi call sales cycle
- Account Management - Maximizing long-term value from a single customer
- Territory Management - Allocating effort efficiently across different types of customers
For Sales management
Sales force enablement - Investing in improved sales force execution
PART 1 Metrics, Metrics Everywhere
CHAPTER 1 CRM, Reporting, and a False Sense of Control
- The War Room
- Got Control?
- The Source of the Problem
- How Sales Has Trailed Its Peers
PART 2 The Sales Management Code . . . Cracked!
CHAPTER 2 What Can We Really Manage?
- Great Sellers Evolve into Great Managers . . . Maybe?
- It’s the Sales Manager, Stupid
- Can You Manage a Number?
- Our Journey Begins
- The Question
- Activities, Results, and the Stuff In-Between
- The Code Begins to Crack
CHAPTER 3 Business Results—the Company’s Health
- Back to the War Room
- Doing Well
- The Problem with “Managing by Results”
CHAPTER 4 Sales Objectives—the Sales Force’s Mandates
- Smile . . . For a While
- Behold, the Sales Objective
- Stuff for Sales Management to Worry About
- The Sales Force as Ground Cover
- The “Capable” Sales Force
- Acquire, Retain, Grow, Repeat
- Sell Something . . . but Not Just Anything
- The Sales Force: Revenue Machine or Strategic Weapon?
CHAPTER 5 Sales Activities—the Drivers of Sales Performance
- The Missing Metrics on the Wall
- Sales Processes, You Say?
- The Building Blocks of Control
- Fact: Better Processes = Better Sales Performance
PART 3 Using the Code to Manage Your Sales Force
CHAPTER 6 Building the Foundation for Control
- The Building Blocks
- Which Sales Process Is Best for Our Company?
- Rightsizing Your Sales Process
- Off the Shelf or Off the Mark?
- Does That Also Come in Gray?
CHAPTER 7 Selecting and Collecting Your Metrics
- If Sales Management Were a Snap
- Choosing Activity, Objective, and Result Metrics
- Bringing Back the Smiles
- The Shape of Things to Come
- Learning to Let Go
- Speaking of Reports . . .
CHAPTER 8 Managing with Processes and Numbers
- Now It’s Time to Manage
- Managing Call Managers
- Managing Opportunity Managers
- Managing Account Managers
- Managing Territory Managers
- And Sales Force Enablement
- Which Process for Which Objective?
- The Treasure Map
- An Advanced Degree: Selecting A-O-Rs for the Individual Seller
CHAPTER 9 Mission Accomplished
- In Reflection
- The Ultimate Status Check
- And Finally . . .